Courses > Healthcare Professionals > ECG Session 2
ECG session 2
Session 2 will build on the skills from session 1 to teach recognition of an Acute Myocardial Infarction. Learn the main types of infarction, the associated coronary arteries and where they are located on the ECG.
Inferior infarction
Right ventricular infarction
Anterior Infarction
Posterior infarction
Lateral infarction
aVR infarction
We also discuss when to and when not to give GTN, how to perform a right sided and a posterior ECG, New information many of you have not considered in your past practice,
How will you remember all this information…….. you will be emailed a lanyard with all the handy hints to carry with you.
After the session, review the material, then answer a short quiz, fill in the feedback and receive a certificate for your CPD points.
This program will be open for you to review for 12 weeks post session 2
At the end of session 2 you will be sent a link to 40 practice ECGs to consolidate your learning from sessions 1 and 2. Practice will ensure you keep these new skills.
Check out the testimonials for the feedback from current participants
For further information or to book your 2 sessions today, please contact us